Hawkeye's Holsters!
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Ruger American
Chambered in .243
Comes with 4-16 x 40 scope with illuminated reticle and sling.
Kimber Micro 9
Chambered in 9mm
Slightly used, Excellent Condition!
Wolf Match Extra .22LR Ammo
I know what you're thinking; "Wolf=Russia"
This ammo is made in England. I don't know the marketing strategy, but I DO know this is very high quality, very accurate, and reliable target ammo!
$10.95 / 50 rd. box
Hawkeye's Firearms, LLC
5001 Foreman Street
Morganton, NC 28655
Thur. 9:00-5:00
Fri. 9:00-5:00
Sat. 9:00-1:00
For Appointment, Call: (828) 430-0583
***Check out new deals below.***
Available now at Hawkeye's Firearms!
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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Welcome to Hawkeye’s!
We have a great selection of new, used, consignment, vintage, and antique items available.
All prices are Cash plus tax. Credit Card fees apply.
Thank you for visiting Hawkeye's Firearms!
Second Amendment
Hawkeye's Firearms
Browning A-Bolt .22LR
Kind of a rare bird.
Very nice rifle with a little honest wear and "safe dings" but 100% sound mechanically!
Weatherby Vanguard
Chambered in .270 Win
Comes with 4-12 x 40 Pentax Scope and leather sling
Springfield Armory SA-35